Group Photo - PC Bridget Mayfield
UWOTF VA Fish and Hang Group Photo - Independent Angler Workshop
Briget and CC Pyramid Lake
NC Camp, Fish and Hang Weekend
Penny and J. Michelle Cropped
UWOTF HomePage
Fly Fishing 101 Women's Workshop - Knot Tying
Yukon and Malisha
Lindy Orozoco - Spey Casting - UWOTF Leadership Team Feature
Summer Suds - Lisa Bargas Know the Flows
SWOTF 2023 Summer Suds
Mollie and Heather Rainbow Trout

We Are United Women on the Fly

United Women on the Fly (UWOTF) aims to empower and unite women in fly fishing through advocacy work, mentorship, and representation.  UWOTF maintains no affiliations with any women’s groups, companies, or organizations featured on the website; our purpose is solely to provide a platform for those who have chosen to list themselves.  Every group showcased on our website has granted us permission for inclusion and aligns with our Mission Statement and Core Values.    

Fly Fishing Online Courses

Since 2020, UWOTF has partnered with Fly Fish Instruct to offer our community the opportunity to learn fly fishing anytime, anywhere through online courses. This includes a FREE Intro to Fly Fishing course, designed to help beginners get started.  Learn more HERE.