Tabbitha Lynn Bruce

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Tabbitha Lynn Bruce

Oregon Liaison

Tabbitha (she/her) grew up following her dad and Grandpa around fishing the streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds of the Rogue Valley at a very young age.  On a mid-winter girlfriends paddle boarding trip down the scenic Wood River that the impulse to pick up fly fishing grabbed hold and wouldn’t let go. Although it’s only been a few years since converting to the fly rod, Tabbitha has more than made up for lost time by trying to make a trip or two a week to area lakes & streams. 

A certified Yoga instructor, flyfishing guide, small business owner, certified accountant and mother of three beautiful girls, Tabbitha has no shortage of energy to bring to her local fly-fishing community.

Together with her gal pal Sha Orton she founded Southern Oregon Women on the Fly in March of 2020 in response to a local community of Women anglers looking for help getting involved with the sport. Again, wasting no time Tabbitha is out on the river untangling leaders and fishing flies out of trees with new lady fly fishers on a regular basis.

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