Lake Fishing Techniques


Kat lives in Langley, BC. She’s a Library Learning Commons Teacher and is defending her Doctoral degree in Educational Practice with a focus on fly fishing narratives and educational practice. She started fly fishing in her teens and fishes with Nora, her dog and her dad. When she’s not fishing or teaching she’s writing about fishing.

This week  Kat discusses 4 different lake fishing styles and when she uses them.  Trolling, Indicator Fishing, Cast and Strip when anchored as well as drifting.

Trolling -

Massively productive in the late summer months in cooler lakes where the trout have taken to the depths.

Anchor - Cast and Strip

If new to a lake and you don’t have a fish finder, anchor and cast and strip where you see fish activity, or you see a hatch or near a shoal where you can see a drop off, indicated by a color change in the water- fish tend to school up and hang out in these areas because they are nutrient rich.

Anchor - Indicator Fishing

Using a fish finder to locate depth changes or a pod of fish.  Take note of the depth and use a chironomid set up rod (10’6”) to fish up to 20′ of water.  I find the most productive indicator fishing for me to be in 15” of water or less.

Dead Drift - Cast and Strip

Using the wind to your advantage, let go of the oars or cut the motor and let the boat naturally drift while you cast and strip with the wind. Use a sink line for this type of fishing.

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